Invest Now
Please click through below to make a New Investment into the DMX Australian Shares Fund or to top-up an Existing Investment in either fund.
If you would like any assistance or to discuss the process of investing in either fund, please contact Steve regarding DMX Capital Partners at steven.mccarthy@dmxam.com.au; or Michael regarding the DMX Australian Shares Fund at Michael Haddad at michael.haddad@dmxam.com.au. Or phone us on 02 80697965.
I am:

I am a new investor

DMX Australian Shares Fund is open to wholesale investors
Dual objective to provide genuinely differentiated investment exposure to a difficult to access asset class, and generate strong absolute returns for investors over the medium to long term.
Strategic overview- Thematically diverse portfolio of (typically) 30-40 ASX-listed (and to a small degree, NZX-listed, or unlisted) smaller companies that have yet to be recognised by the market and therefore offer asymmetrical upside potential
- Primarily focused on sub-$200m market capitalisation companies, but flexible to invest up the market capitalisation spectrum
- Targeting 50%+ overlap with the highly successful DMX Capital Partners Limited portfolio

I am an existing investor

Existing Investors in either fund may add to their investment at any time. The minimum additional investment for each fund is $10,000. No paperwork is required.
Funds must be received before month-end.
DMX Capital Partners Limited
For DMX Capital Partners, bank/payment details are available on request should you wish to add to your DMXCP investment.
Please contact steven.mccarthy@dmxam.com.au for details
DMX Australian Shares Fund
If you have BPay set-up on your account, you may simply use this. This is personalised to you and no further information is required.
For electronic funds transfer:
Account name: DMX ASF Application Trust Account
BSB: 082 001
A/C: 90 085 1791
Please put your Investor Number as reference. Contact us for assistance with this if required.